Saturday, October 16, 2010

Elements Regarding the Human Brain

The brain is divided into two distinct cerebral hemisphere connected by the corpus callosum. The right side VS the left side resemble each other, but the functions of each side are distinctly different.
Generally speaking the left brain characteristics are logical thought, details, facts, practicality, science and math, while the right brain is more for creativity, feeling, intuition, symbols and images

However, if a specific area of the brain is injured, its functions sometimes can be assumed by another area of the brain.  I have also explained the brain mapping being done at Mayo Clinic. Plus and the experiment that Roger Sperry completed to win the Nobel Prize.

This second hub relates a lot of information about migraine headaches as there are a billion people world wide who suffer from migraine headaches with women being the larger percentage.  There are two studies that link hemorrhagic strokes to patients who have migraines with auras.  It isn’t a large number of people but certainly more than the average.  The scientists don’t know why this happens; that is why would the aura have any bearing on the percentage of people with migraines having strokes? 

I wrote this article to explain what is known about migraines, with the typical symptoms and some of the possible causes as the real cause of migraines aren’t known.  I listed various treatments for migraines and also some of the things you could do to decrease your risk of stroke, as that is so important.  

This third hub represents Knowledge Among Positive Teaching without Driving Fear and that means that I inform people about the fact that other people are using their knowledge against them, so as to prevent them from gaining the ability to self teach. Thus, the knowledge about groups inciting fear into society or driving fear into others, is based on using knowledge about things that they(themselves) know about and others do not know about. A way to explain would be to understand how politicians continue driving fear into society, by using survey knowledge gained. The fact that no survey in any country can be accurate is what many people have no knowledge about. The media is an accomplice to the actions of driving fear. The political officials have no problem misleading the public through misconceptions, because the public lacks awareness and knowledge about the truth of many things.

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry, but I regret to inform that the hub in which is displayed on this page, is no longer in existence. It has been removed from Hubpages. I should have said something sooner. You can delete the link with regards to Knowledge Among Positive Teaching Without Driving Fear. Again, I'm sorry.
